Company of Proprietors
of the Stroudwater Navigation |
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The Cotswold Canals Trust is the largest canal restoration society in
the UK (and possibly the world) with a membership of about 7,500 (early
2017 figure). The Trust is highly involved in promoting the restoration
of the canal and has an active volunteer labour force working on many
sites carrying out a wide range of tasks along the canals.
www.stroudvalleyscanal.org SVCC runs the canal under a long lease from CoPSN and also owns the freehold of the western end of the T&S Canal.
Is a set of pages written by Ken Burgin covering the Cotswold Canals
including pictures and historical information.
https://stroudwaterhistory.org.uk Is a good staring point for anyone interested in the history of the canal and surrounding area.
Other sites well worth a
visit are:
http://www.cotswoldcanals.net/ offers an extensive library of pictures along the Costwold Canals.
still under construction.......
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This document is maintained by ken.burgin@pikelock.com
Copyright © 2010 Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation;
all other rights reserved