Pike Bridge Project

Funding Appeal

The cost of the whole Pike Bridge Project was approximately £360,000 - this is about £200,000 less than previously estimated and much of the reduction was been achieved through the input of Trust volunteers to the design, planning and  project management of the scheme.

Of the £360,000, just over £242,000 was raised through contributions from the Countryside Agency Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund grant scheme, Gloucesetershire County Council, Stroud District Council and the Inland Waterways Association. The Trust is very grateful to these organisations for their contributions and support.

The Pike Bridge Appeal is closed but the Cotswold Canals Trust would welcome donations towards its current set of projects!

This was the first time that the Trust successfully instigated and organised a single project on this scale.   Being able to do so has brought closer the time when the Stroudwater Navigation and Thames & Severn Canal will become accessible from the rest of the waterway network.

Also, if you pay tax, you can Gift Aid your donation allowing the Trust to claim a very useful additional contribution from the Inland Revenue.

If you think the company you work for or other organisations you are associated with might sponsor a project, the Trust would be happy to provide more information or give a presentation - contact Ken Burgin on 01453 827414 or email: ken.burgin@pikelock.com .



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